Become a member

There are two types of membership

All Members

Members or individuals for whom the data and intelligence produced by the project will assist in improving their knowledge base.  End users of the data who are less likely to be concerned with the primary activity of data production.  These members will be actively engaged to ensure their end user needs are met:

  • Be consulted on their end user requirements
  • Be invited to Annual Conferences
  • Have access to results and findings as they arise
  • Receive project updates
  • Participate in discussion groups
  • Be consulted on draft reports, recommendations and protocols


Special Interest Members

Members or individuals who have a high interest in data production, management and use.  They will actively participate in data sharing, data harmonisation and the development of methodologies and standards to produce ‘better’ data.  These members these are likely to:

  • Provide data to the project
  • Directly utilise the data from the EU-Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform in their activities
  • Be involved in the production of data and, therefore, have an interest in the protocols and methodologies produced
  • Be involved in the generation of statistics for secondary raw materials
  • Be involved in the development of policies for secondary raw materials management
  • Be invited to selected Work Package meetings as a specialist in their field
  • And help develop recommendations arising from the project.