The problems of data availability, accessibility and sharing are common to various levels of industry and public authorities. Several projects have already tried to address the access and use of interoperable spatial data and services at various levels. The adopted INSPIRE Directive is at the beginning of its implementation and the objective of a European wide harmonized Knowledge Base (KB) remains a challenge. First steps on integrating mineral raw materials data have been made with projects based on INSPIRE compliant data models (e.g., EURare, Minerals4EU and ProSUM). However, this is far from complete regarding the geographical coverage and data depth and the thematic coverage as well. Thus, three necessary actions are identified:
1) Improving the spatial coverage of Minerals4EU (M4EU) project while ensuring INSPIRE compatibility, and 1b) better implementing the INSPIRE MR data model on mineral raw materials data and improving both their quality and their completeness.
2) The Minerals4EU Knowledge Data Platform (KDP) can serve data related to occurrences/deposits, exploration, extraction and related economic considerations, but required additional data on environmental and social aspects, and on the industrial ecology approach. The M4EU/ProSUM team of this Consortium is creating new data models for products, stocks and flows & composition for WEEE, ELVs and batteries (INSPIRE compatible), in order to build Sankey diagrams on top of the Diffusion Database, which will need further integration.
3) A survey will identify the status of these data and make recommendations to improve their public availability In the absence of existing 'harvestable' databases (DBs), providers will be assisted in creating portrayals harvestable through WFS/FTP.