To deliver the first Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform
- A centralised database of all available data and information on arisings, stocks, flows and treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), batteries and mining wastes.
- Primary and secondary raw materials data, easily accessible in one platform.
- Provides the foundation for improving Europe’s position on raw material supply, with the ability to accommodate more wastes and resources in future.
- Will provide user friendly, seamless access to data and intelligence on mineral resources from extraction to end of life products with the ability to reference all spatial and non-spatial data.
To provide harmonised data to allow stakeholders to improve the management of these wastes and enhance the resource efficiency of collection, treatment and recycling
- Providing screened interoperable data on products and mining waste in stock, waste flows, the nature of the waste and the materials and elements which they contain.
- Providing protocols and methodologies to update the EU-UMKDP and to make future data comparable and interoperable.
ProSUM, Latin for ‘I am useful’, has created an Information Network
- Allowing partners in the network to provide and use data by the creation of an inventory of waste streams with a high potential to serve as a source of CRMs.
- The project will be addressed to a wide range of end-users, including the recycling industry, producers and producer compliance schemes, and policy makers.
- The Network will identify how data should be presented and organised for this wide range of stakeholders to ensure it meets their needs.