About the EU-UMKDP
It is being designed to accommodate both structured data from existing databases (synthesised by project partners) and semi or non-structured information produced by other work packages.
The EU-UMKDP will adopt a professional architecture with a harvesting system and a diffusion system. Both systems will be self-contained systems that can easily be moved to other installations or platforms.
We will investigate how platforms like InGeoCloudS could be exploited for the system in the future. This work will be realised in close collaboration with the EGDI-Scope and InGeoCloudS projects.
The Information Factory is a software component to process data. Within the Factory, dedicated services on top of the central diffusion database will be developed in order to automate the production of maps of the urban mine and future scenarios.
The platform will give access to a map viewer and a search engine for all data (both structured and non-structured at the same time), layers and documents delivered by the project. An additional result of the project is that data model(s) developed can be used to extend the current EarthResourceML (ERML) V.2 data model.